Friday, 23 September 2016

Relieve Tooth Sensitivity: Five Important Tips!

One out of eight adults suffers from teeth sensitivity. If you think your sensitive teeth are a consequence of bad genetics or bad luck, you may want to reconsider. There is a very good chance that your dental issues are being triggered by incorrect brushing or bad lifestyle choices.

The good news is there are several steps you can take to ease or prevent tooth sensitivity. Here are a few that work.

Brush gently:

Brushing vigorously will not make your teeth cleaner, but may only increase your risk of tooth sensitivity. This is because tough brushing may pull the gums away from your teeth, leading to tooth pain due to exposed nerves.

Make sure you use a brush that is soft-bristled. Brush two times a day using a short and gentle up-and-down movement.

Desensitizing toothpaste:

Desensitizing toothpastes contain compounds that block the transmission of sensation between the tooth and nerve. Use this paste twice a day; you will feel the sensitivity decreasing in a few weeks. For areas that are tender, try rubbing the desensitizing paste right on the tooth.

Rinse your mouth with a fluoride mouthwash

Fluoride mouthwashes help strengthen the enamel layer of the teeth, helping to secure teeth from any sensitivity. Apart from this, fluoride also helps protect against tooth cavities and decay, which can cause sensitive teeth. Make sure you rinse your mouth daily with a mouthwash after brushing.

Avoid consuming acidic drinks

Drinks that are highly acidic wear away the tooth’s enamel, leaving you prone to decay and sensitivity. In addition, they may also cause your gum line to recede, exposing your nerves. Citrus juices and carbonated sodas are all acidic. Rather than consuming citrus fruits by themselves, add them to your meal:  this helps in lowering the pH level within your mouth as the other foods serve as a buffer. Also, make sure you brush after waiting for at least thirty minutes. 

Skip tooth bleaching:

Both in-office and at-home whitening procedures can lead to temporary sensitivity, so if you are suffering from sensitive teeth and wish to bleach your pearly whites, make sure you talk to your dental expert first. In most cases, your dentist will not recommend any form of whitening if your teeth are sensitive.

In-Office Treatments

If your teeth are severely sensitive, you may want to consider using an in-office treatment. Procedures such as, gel fluoride treatments, inlays, crowns or bonding can help cover delicate areas on your teeth. In case of severe cases, your dentist may also suggest a gum graft or, if the pain is too much to handle, a root canal treatment to get rid of the nerve.

If your teeth feel sensitive and nothing works it is best to talk to your dentist and get the problem checked.  

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