Full mouth reconstruction (also known as full mouth restoration and full
mouth rehabilitation) is the term used to describe the restoration or
rebuilding of all the teeth in both the lower and upper jaws. It is
among the most complex of dental procedures and very few doctors are
qualified to provide this treatment.
Who May Need It
- Correcting flaws in the bite position that could cause pains in the jaws muscles and nerves and associated problems like headaches etc.
- Replacement or rebuilding of teeth that have become worn and damaged due to a tooth grinding habit or because of erosion resulting from an improper diet and / or poor oral hygiene.
- Replacement of teeth that have been lost due to decay or because of injury.
- Replacing or repairing teeth that have been damaged or broken.
The Procedure
Multiple factors are taken into consideration when full mouth reconstruction is required. These include:
- The condition of the teeth which will determine what specific procedures are required. Tooth decay, cavities, wear, damage, uneven lengths, looseness and root canal problems will all go into the creation of a treatment plan. Porcelain veneers or full coverage crowns are commonly used to treat these types of problems.
- Problems with the gums which could require a variety or treatment options. The dentist will look for signs of periodontal disease, bone density irregularities, problems with the gum tissue and so on. The treatments range from root planing and scaling to more intensive treatments such as bone or soft tissue grafts that will build up the gums and the jaw bone.
- Occlusal changes, or changes to the bite. There should be no pain with normal biting and chewing motions. If there is, the bite position may be faulty which may require the use of a night guard, bite reprogramming or orthodontic treatment to correct the problem. This, if required, must be done before any other treatments are commenced.
- Esthetic and appearance factors which may need correction. These include the color, shape and size of the teeth, how they appear in relation to the gums, lips etc.
Only a Dentist Can Decide If It Is Needed
cosmetic factors do play a part in a decision to perform a full mouth
reconstruction, there is much more than appearance that is involved.
Only a dentist specializing in this procedure can perform the detailed
examination required to know if the procedure is the best option and if
so, to perform it. He or she may decide that there are other treatments
that may be more suitable or which will provide better results for a
specific case. The procedure, if advised, is a long one that will
involve multiple visits to the dentist over a period of months. The
doctor will inform the patient about what will be done, how the
procedures are conducted and what the expected result will be.